Stoked to finish editing a show reel for DuPont’s event. Piecing together existing footage from 16 videos to create a seamless show real.
Here are the finished Jelz Music Videos, to provide a solid platform for ongoing talks with Sony and Radio 1.
Delighted to be up for the mid week event for the London Surf Film festival, talking about the film we made for Saltrock, that made the official selection for the festival.
A fun few days shooting Saltrocks new lookbook video for their AW15 clothing range. Videos to follow soon.
Delighted to get to Lundy for a few days. A peaceful island.
Stoked to make the shortlist for the London Surf Film Festival and onto the big screen! The film was commissioned to by Saltrock. Happy days…
We have also been stoked to have our short film made for Saltrock, Officescape longlisted for the London Surf Film Festival. It has provided a great platform for the video and Saltrock. It is always fun to track the views of the video. In one week we have seen views from literally across the world. Ranging […]
Has been enjoyable starting our daily pics on instagram and Facebook, capturing North Devon and its varying moods and seasons ! There is beauty in it all. Track with us: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM 🙂
Stoked to finish off this edit for Jack Unsworth and in time to make the long list for The London Surf Film Festival… enjoy !